Hydrafacial benefits and review

HydraFacial – Is it Worth the Hype?

Hydrafacial is the new obsession in skincare treatment. But is it worth the hype? Hydrafacial is one of the most sought-after skincare treatments performed these days. Studies say that hundreds and thousands of people are undergoing hydrafacial each day across the world. The increasing popularity of hydrafacial has made everyone right from public figures to common people to try this sought-after treatment. But does hydrafacial work? Can it do magic to your skin? Let me take you to a more deep reading of hydrafacial and its after-effects. 

HydraFacial & its Benefits

Hydrafacial, also known as ‘hydradermabrasion’ is a facial treatment that includes exfoliation paired with skin hydration. The treatment involves three steps – deep cleaning, exfoliation, and skin hydration. Being a medical-grade skin resurfacing treatment, Hydrafacial is suggested by cosmetic dermatologists to treat various skin conditions such as dryness, acne, wrinkles and improve your skin texture. This non-invasive beauty therapy is expected to bring dramatic results and significant benefits to your skin, reduce brown spots and pores, increase firmness, making it smoother and more hydrated. Unlike the traditional dermabrasion, hydrafacial deals in a more gentle approach that vacuums out pores while infusing potent actives, which moisturise and smoothen the skin providing radiance. 

What makes hydrafacial better than other facials? If you are curious to know whether hydrafacial is worth the hype, read on and learn more about this treatment, its benefits, side effects, and expected results. 

How is HydraFacial done?

Whatever your skin type is, you get amazing benefits from hydrafacial. Hydrafacial treatment is performed by a dermatologist or licensed aesthetician and the procedure involves three steps. 

  • Your therapist uses a vortex-like wand to clear the skin removing all dirt and oil from your skin. A kind of exfoliation is performed during this process.
  • Then, they use a vacuum device to cleanse your pores and clear off the debris from the pores. 
  • Using a pen-like device, the treatment provider will apply moisturising serum with antioxidants. This time, your dermatologist will infuse the best serum that suits your skin 

The frequency of your hydrafacial sessions depends on your skin type and the recommendation of your dermatologist. Most often, the providers ask to repeat the treatment every 4-6 weeks for great results. Let’s leave that to our skincare specialist’s discretion for a sustained outcome. 

HydraFacial – What You Can Expect

As we mentioned above, a hydrafacial helps to improve the overall skin tone, texture, and appearance through deep exfoliation and hydration. 

Hydrafacial is not a whitening treatment but a medical facial that can improve your skin health and texture.

During the procedure, your skin is deeply cleansed, removing the dead skins and debris. Later in the hydration phase, the skin gets better penetration of face serums that suit your skin type. 

Since hydrafacial is customisable, you can personalise this facial treatment based on your skin type and skincare goals. The major benefits of hydrafacial are clear and healthy skin with a silky smooth texture and youthful glow. There will be visible changes in the overall skin tone, texture, and complexion. 

Beyond all, hydrafacial gives relaxing and feel-good experiences with no redness or pain most often. 

Who can get HydraFacial?

Hydrafacial is good for all ages, facial skin concerns, and types. It can bring significant results to teenagers with acne, adults with wrinkles and dry skin, hyperpigmented skin tones, people with sun tanned skin, and those who want a youthful radiance to their skin. However, dermatologists usually suggest people with sunburns, rashes, or severe skin damage and pregnant people abstain from hydrafacial as some of the ingredients used in the procedure may not be safe for them. 

Is HydraFacial Customisable?

Hydrafacial is a customisable treatment and you can switch up the moisturising serums infused during the treatment in a way that suits your personal skincare concerns and goals. Past the three-step procedures, the dermatologist may offer targeted add-ons, or boosters, which aim at individual skin concerns and personal priorities. The choice is infinite. Your dermatologist or aesthetician can use a Vitamin C brightening or infusion to remove nagging lines, a different strength peel in the first step, or even a light therapy to build collagen, and soothe the skin. Discuss your skincare preferences with your dermatologist to get the best-tailored hydrafacial treatment. 

HydraFacial Precautions and Aftercare 

While the HydraFacial is said to be safe and free of complications, you may feel slight pressure from the wand during the procedure. Nevertheless, hydrafacial isn’t supposed to cause any redness, pain or breakouts. 

If you have very sensitive skin and are allergic to any skincare ingredients, tell your facial provider in advance for better results and to avoid complications. People with rashes, sunburns, and rosacea, should better refrain from this treatment to prevent any potential flare-ups. 

Cost of HydraFacial

Hydrafacial usually costs between 100-200 dollars in the USA, but in India, the cost varies between 2,000 to Rs 7,000. These days, a lot of salons and beauty parlours provide hydrafacial but may not use quality machines. So be careful and get your hydrafacial and other skincare treatments done by professional dermatologists who have the right machine and have a better experience.

Take Away

Hydrafacial is highly effective for a range of skin concerns and to get smooth and radiant skin. A single session with 3-in-1 cleansing, exfoliating, and the hydrating process can bring results lasting as long as one month. However, to improve your skin over the long term, take repeated sessions every four to six weeks. Now, get ready to enjoy some me-time and give your skin some refreshment. 

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